Mail Avenger Content filtering
Rejecting spam and viruses during SMTP sessions

Mail Avenger lets you reject mail based on message contents, before your mail server accepts delivery of mail from a remote client. This has two benefits. First, it can save load on your mail server. Second, and more important, it allows you to reject spam and viruses without silently discarding them, but while also minimizing unwanted bounces to innocent third parties.

Blocking mailing list mail

If you use avenger.local(8) to subscribe to mailing lists under different addresses, you probably want to make sure that no one subscribes your primary email address to any mailing lists against your will. Fortunately, most legitimate mailing list managers (as opposed to spammers) add distinguishing headers to email messages. To block mailing list mail, first create the following script, for instance in a file called $HOME/.avenger/scripts/no-list:

prec="`formail -czx precedence:`"
case "$prec" in
	echo You appear to be sending mailing list \
	         mail to an address
	echo that does not accept mailing list \
	         messages.  If you\'d like
	echo to try again, remove the following \
	         header field from the
	echo message before re-sending:
	echo "  Precedence: $prec"
	exit 100

for field in list-unsubscribe mailing-list
    val="`formail -X $field:`"
    if test -n "$val"; then
	echo You appear to be sending mailing list \
                 mail to an address
	echo that does not accept mailing list \
                 messages.  If you\'d like
	echo to try again, remove the following \
                 header field from the
	echo message before re-sending:
	echo " $val"
	exit 100
This script makes use of the formail program that comes with Procmail. Note the use of edinplace(8) with no arguments, which rewinds the offset of standard input, so as to be able to run formail repeatedly over the same message.

Next, make the script executable by running the command chmod +x $HOME/.avenger/scripts/no-list. Finally, invoke the script as a bodytest, by placing the following in your $HOME/.avenger/rcpt file:

bodytest $PWD/scripts/no-lists
(Note that errcheck rejects mail based on some basic default criteria, since if the mail fails those tests, there is no point in running a test over the message body.)

Blocking spam and viruses

Ordinarily, spam and viruses come from forged email addresses. Bouncing such mail therefore causes an innocent third party to receive an unwanted bounce message. On the other hand, since no spam or virus filter is 100% effective, there is always the slim possibility of a "false positive"--some important email getting mischaracterized as spam. Silently discarding such messages can have serious consequences. For that reason, many people bounce spam back to the sender. (Many people also bounce viruses, though this is less defensible, since if you know which virus is infecting a mail message, you probably also know whether that virus typically forges sender addresses or not.)

Mail Avenger offers a good solution to this trade-off. By rejecting mail during the SMTP session, your sever never has to generate a bounce message. If the SMTP client is a legitimate mailer, it will generate a bounce of its own. Thus, you will never silently discard mail. In the common case that the client is a virus or spambot, no bounce will be generated at all.

This example shows how to reject mail with the ClamAV virus checker and SpamAssassin mail filter. Start by creating a an executable script called $HOME/.avenger/scripts/clam-and-spam containing the following:


out="`clamscan -i --no-summary --mbox - 2>&1`"
if test "$?" = 1; then
    echo This message appears to be infected with a virus
    printf "%s\n" "$out" \
        | sed -e '/Warning:/d' -e 's/^[^:]*: //' | sort -u
    exit 100

out="`edinplace -x 111 spamassassin -e 100`"
case "$?" in
        exit 0
        echo Sorry, spamassassin has flagged your message \
                 as spam
        while read a b c; do
            test "$a $b" = "Content analysis" && break
        read a
        read a
        read a
        while read a b c; do
            case "$a" in
                printf "  %s\n" "$c"
                printf "    %s\n" "$a $b $c"
        exit 100
        if test -n "$out"; then
            echo spamassassin failure:
            printf "%s\n" "$out"
            echo system error in spamassassin
        exit 111

Next, make the script executable by running the command chmod +x $HOME/.avenger/scripts/clam-and-spam. Finally, invoke the script as a bodytest, by placing the following in your $HOME/.avenger/rcpt file:

bodytest $PWD/scripts/clam-and-spam
This example is explained in more detail in the examples section of the avenger(1) man page.

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